
Russian Institute

The name initially stirred up fanciful images in my head and I got excited as I envisioned a Soviet institute filled with blindfolded, psychic, spy children who were forced into telekinetic experiments with their identical twins. Adjoining pea green and grey rooms would be centred on a two way mirror as the stern, granite chiselled faces of Russian scientists looked on. Occasionally one of the children would throw a psychic wobbly, polygraph tests and charts swimming around in the air angrily as sundry items of fruit and stationary pummelled the scientists’ faces before a 6ft po faced nurse would appear with a foot long hypodermic needle filled with valium. 

However! All I got was a bunch of pre-pubescent tweenies bumming each other out of their Halloween costume school girl uniforms. In one scene some greasy, Kurdish looking, skinny geezer in a crap hat takes on two girls in the shower in what is supposed to be a PE lesson. His greasy penis a testament to lost school girl dreams. A shitake mushroom of misfortune. Ashen faced shenanigans take place in Ikea furnished dorm rooms, playing out the formulaic lesbian sex scenes we’re all so familiar with. I fast forwarded through it hoping for some psychokinetic dildo action to no avail. All the girls are beautiful but so what? Their bland emotionless faces show no enjoyment as they await their meagre pay checks. 

A glossy produced porno of the highest order, ergo boring. Not even a Dirty Sanchez or a fat guy in a pig mask dressed as the grim reaper with a sickle fashioned into a double ender. Lame.